K9 Instinct Adventures

I’ve been working with dogs for as long as I can remember. My mom’s Jack Russell ‘Sly’ taught me how fast, cunning and serious he could be when it came to doing a job. From Sly, I also learned about the loyalty, companionship and friendship that a dog can provide. My first dog was a Border Collie named Ally. Not only did she teach me how truly smart dogs can be but she also taught me how to love a dog. These two dogs instilled my curiosity about different breeds as well as to learn about what dogs are bred for ‘instinctively.’
Ally came to us when she was about two or three years old and I soon realized the intensity of her herding instincts. After watching her run to join children playing soccer in a school yard, I realized that if I could direct her herding instincts through proper training, she would truly be an amazing dog!
Soon, Ally was performing and entertaining the crowds at large soccer games. We were interviewed by Edmonton’s soccer radio station and she also appeared on the Discovery Channel showing off her talents. Ally was my everything. My first pivotal relationship with an incredible animal, indeed!
Later, I adopted Ally’s grand-daughter Katy who had a condition described by veterinarians as something similar to spineabifida and another Jack Russell who had been surrendered back to a pet store at eight months of age as destructive and an unruly ‘terrorist.’ Training both of these dogs came pretty naturally for me as I gave them the three things I felt they needed most: Exercise – my form of love; Discipline – boundaries and rules; and then Affection – in that order.
Our Mission
K9 Instinct Adventures is a premier dog training and rehabilitation service. K9 is often the last stop for owners who have exhausted every option, and still not found the help they need.
At k9 Instinct, we pride ourselves in offering a warm and supportive environment, combined with what we believe are the very best training results available.
Whether you have a rambunctious puppy; an out-of-control dog that you dream of actually listening to you on or off-leash; or a more serious case of reactivity, fear, or aggression; we have the answers you need.